The end of the Scandinavia travel course

The last company we visited was Nettavisen. It is a Norwegian online newspaper, launched in 1996 as the first in the country that was not created as part of a pre-existing newspaper. Now it is one of the most popular news websites in the country. Knowing that many Norwegians love writing blogs, the company provides […]

Takeaways from Scandinavia: Valuing Life Outside of the Office

The biggest takeaway from the Business in Scandinavia Travel Course to Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, is that Scandinavians place a higher importance on life outside of the office compared to Americans. This was the most consistent difference that I discovered between the American and Nordic business cultures. In America, maternity leaves are brief, workers often […]

Exploring Scandinavian Cuisine

One of the best ways to learn about a culture is to try the regional cuisine. While in Sweden, I tried a multitude of regional dishes with origins from both the North and South of the country. Some characteristics of classic Swedish cuisine include a wide variety of unique meat dishes, including cured reindeer, moose […]

Northvolt – One of the World’s Most Sustainable Battery Companies

“Battery power will enable us to be significantly more environmentally friendly in all we do. We are working to make a compelling business case for batteries over the full value chain,” Tom Johnstone, Industrial Advisor for Northvolt, said. Today we are so glad to have visited Northvolt battery company. Martin Anderlind, head of business development […]

Evolving Industries in Norrbotten, Sweden

  Almost every city in Sweden has a science park where there is a community of many scientific companies and incubators. We were lucky enough to visit Pitea and Lulea’s science parks. One of the many innovative companies in the Lulea is Compodium, whose main business is to provide security solutions to top decision makers. […]

Adventures Ahead: From Los Angeles to Stockholm

The itinerary for our trip consists of visits to Pitea, Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Oslo. Having never traveled to Sweden, Denmark or Norway before, it will be an adventure! I can’t wait to see the midnight sun, and experience the beautiful Scandinavian cityscapes. A group of us are going early to explore Stockholm before the official […]