Luleå, Sweden – RFID City

Aurorum Science Park in Luleå, Sweden is planning to turn the whole city of Luleå into an RFID guinea pig. Students, researchers and businesses are coming together to test the technology full scale on the entire city. RFID (radio frequency identification) is used today in a number of different areas, such as logistics, supply chain management, access control and environmental monitoring. The ability to store information electronically in small tags that can be read wirelessly has great potential. Recently, research on RFID technology has focused on sensor-tags, localization techniques, antennas and propagation, data security, communication protocols and circuit design for the tags and the readers.

One example of the plan is to implement RFID in every restaurant in the city. Once physically checked in via smartphone and RFID tag, restaurant patrons will be able to access menus on their phones and even place orders before they are seated. The technology will piggyback on Facebook’s platform but will be completely customizable. The sky is the limit with what this technology will enable us to do.

More to come…
– SJS Thinktank

Luleå University Publication “Rectifiers in CMOS for RFID Applications”


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