Tis the end!

As we wrap up this blog series, we would first like to thank our fearless leaders, Niklas, Clas, and Debra for setting up and coordinating this large group of students and navigating us through 4 cities in 3 different countries.  Also, we would like to take a moment and appreciate our classmates for being so […]

The FINal Expedition

Sadly, we have arrived at our final destination, Helsinki, Finland and these business visits have not disappointed us or our peers. We had an opportunity to visit the Rovio Headquarters.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with that name, we are fairly certain you have heard of their most popular product, Angry Birds!   […]

Goodbye Sweden, Hello Estonia!

Blake and Ash here again. After quite an adventurous boat ride to here from Stockholm, we finally made it to Tallinn, Estonia. Getting to walk around the Old Town it was great to see that a country that is so technologically advanced can have parts that look so old!  There was even free public wifi […]

The Adventure Continues, Viking Style…

We continued our journey in Sweden but this time we visited the beautiful city of Stockholm.  Our first stop was a company called SANDVIK.  This was a unique company in the sense that, even though not many of our colleagues could relate to what the company did, we did learn a lot about how the Scandinavian […]

And so it Begins!

Greetings from Gothenburg, Sweden! After an exhausting 20+ hour travel day, we are finally in the EU, and we are excited to start our adventures abroad. One thing we have immediately noticed from our short stay in Gothenburg is the impact that Democratic Socialism has on transportation.  Visiting the headquarters at Volvo and the non-profit […]